How to use our candles
How the candles work, and how to use them! (Sample chants are found on each candle listing)
While these candles are ready to go when you receive them, you will still need to activate them with your desire. While this part of the process is important, do not get hung up on it. The candles know what to do but they will do better with your energy and guidance. Therefore, you will want to follow these steps to ensure the best result.
1. Cleanse your space, yourself, your hands and your tools. You can cleanse the candle itself to remove any energy picked up in shipping. This will not interfere with the spells or attachments. You can cleanse with incense or Florida water or both. You will want to cleanse your lighter, or bowl if you choose to burn your candle in water.
2. Make sure you choose a SAFE place to burn the candle for a long period of time. DO NOT leave them unattended or in reach of children or pets for everybody's safety. Do not burn them near anything flammable, as the spirits can produce large flames. You are using these at your own risk, please be safe.
3. You can burn the candle in a bowl or pan of water, but make sure your bowl or pan is fireproof. Doing this will help keep the vessel from becoming overly hot. It will still be hot, but this will help.
4. Take a picture of your target and place it under the candle (or under the bowl of water with your candle in it). On the back of the picture, write the target's name, DOB, address (or location). If you are using the candle on yourself, you do not need a picture as your energy is already present.
5. Once the picture is under the candle, light the candle. Once the candle is lit, you will want to chant over your candle for 4-5 minutes. This is very important. Please keep your chants short - you are trying to talk to spirits through veils and chanting short sentences will help them hear you clearly. Example chants are found on each candle listing. There are a multitude of ways to chant and what to say. This should be personal. Say whatever best suits YOUR situation.
When you are done chanting, leave your candle to burn for four hours. After that time, you can snuff the candle (do not blow) and then reuse another time.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you use a Road Opener candle or Spellbreaker candle before any other candle work to clear your path. Armor (protection) is always a must.
You can use the same candle for up to three days in a row, then it is suggested you ground yourself on the 4th day and then move to your next candle. For example, with The Witch's Bundle, you would burn Road Opener three days in a row (4 hours each time), ground yourself for one day, then burn the Armor candle for three days in a row (4 hours each time), ground yourself for one day, then burn the Spellbreaker for three days in a row (4 hours each time). However, if you feel exhausted after the first three days, you can take a three day break before lighting the next candle. It all depends on your energy levels.
The orders of the candles depend on your situation and what you are trying to accomplish. Again, we always recommend you do a Road Opener or Spellbreaker and Armor (protection) before attempting any kind of magical work. From there, you need to trust your intuition on your situation in regards to which candles to burn in what order.
Candles can be mixed and matched. For example, if you are trying to get a new job or promotion, you can use the Employment candle and then the Influence Candle, then the Wealth and Success candle. We encourage you to think outside the box. If you are trying to get a new job and have a former employer who might say bad things about you, you might consider adding the STFU candle in with that group of candles. Again, the order depends on your situation and what needs to be accomplished first. Another example might be for love. You can use our love related candles in any order depending on your situation. You can also add in Influence if that will help you or Banishing if there is somebody in your way, or even STFU if people are speaking badly about you to your love interest. There are MANY ways to use the candles in your favor.
You should also concentrate on one thing at a time. If you are trying to draw money, do your money set of candles first before moving to love. Do not bounce back and forth between topics.
PLEASE REMEMBER: None of these candles should be burned together with the exception of the Manifest candle. The Manifest candle is the ONLY candle that can be burned at the same time as our other candles. Every other candle should be burned by itself.
ALSO: DO NOT ADD anything to the candle. These candles are aligned with Angels. DO NOT add herbs or oils or crystals or anything else to the candle.
Once your spell is complete, let it work. Trust your spirits. Magic takes time and while some people will see results right away, it's ok if you do not. Just look for movement, and when you see it, thank the Angels.​
When you are done with the candle, you can simply dispose of it. DO NOT dispose of any baneful candles (such as Destroy Your Enemies on your own property.)