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This candle is simple - Obtain victory in your endeavors. Use when you need to be victorious. 


Example chant: (Use this as an example ONLY, it is recommended you create your own for your own situation.) You can add to this, or shorten it, but it is not recommended to make specific statements that might limit you receiving the full benefits of what the Angel has to offer.


"It is my desire to have victory immediately." (When you say this chant, you will want to visualize what or who you want victory over and you having that victory).


The candles offered by the Wicked Wick Candle Company are not intention candles. They are heavily spelled by both Vivian Lorem and Karl Blackthorn. We have ALSO  placed the correct Angelic attachments to your candles making them the most powerful candles you can purchase for use in your daily lives. 


These candles are also not bought and dressed. They are hand crafted by The Wicked Wick Candle Company and infused with energy even before they  go through the ritual of having Angelic attachments placed on them. 


This candle is reusable and ready to go. All you need to do is light it and state your desire. The Angelic spirits will take care of the rest!


Please allow at least 4 weeks from time of order to receive the candles.







**For INTERNATIONAL ORDERS* outside of the US or Canada, you MUST email support@thewickedwickcompany PRIOR to completing your order for current shipping rates and landing fees.**


Please see our legal page here for terms and conditions. By purchasing or using these candles you are agreeing to your understanding of those terms and conditions.


NOTE: We are not medical professionals and make no guarantees for any spellwork, rituals, candle outcomes, or otherwise. By entering into our services or purchases of candles, you do so by your own free will and understand and agree that you are doing so at your own risk. Your order or purchase is considered an agreement.


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