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About Us

The Wicked Wick Candle Company was founded by Vivian Lorem and Karl Blackthorn with the intention of giving their client's the ability to change their destiny, control their lives and learn about their spiritual paths. They offer a wide variety of services including ritualistic spells, readings, spell casting and alchemy candles.


Vivian Lorem is a master spell caster with a lifetime of experience. She has been hailed as the "best in the business" and has a unique ability to connect directly with your Spirit Guides and the spirits that are meant to help you in your life goals. Her rituals have been featured on social media, with many of them receiving viral attention, as there are very few spell casters who can achieve what she can. She works closely with Hecate and Archangel Michael, both champions of justice to ensure the correct outcome for you. Vivian is compassionate but direct and will not hesitate to help you get back on the path you were meant to be on so that you can achieve the things that are meant for you, and teach you how to take control of your life to achieve the things you want.


Karl Blackthorn is a practitioner of High Magic, who's knowledge base on connective rituals with Angels and Demons is second to none. He is also an Alchemist, which means the candles you purchase on this site ARE NOT intention candles, but rather they are spelled AND have the correct spiritual attachments that make these candles the most powerful candles you can purchase to change your life. Karl is also available for custom rituals for any life matter you face. There is no gatekeeping here, reach out to him with your wants and needs and he will create custom work tailored for your specific situation. Karl works directly with Archangels as well as the Angels of the 

Shem ha-Mephorash. 

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